Why Can’t I Attract Money – Why Does it Slip Through my Fingers?

Hi Everyone! Thank you for stumbling on this blog entry! I’m testing this out to see if it works but I truly believe that Spirit piggybacks messages to multiple people. I will try to do at least one per day in the hopes that someone finds this tarot reading and in some way helps them to! It doesn’t matter when I did the reading. What matters is that for some reason you found it and you’re reading it right now! I wish you blessings from Above, peace and love! Marie



Why Can’t I Attract Money – Why Does it Slip Through my Fingers?



I’ve asked our guides for their help in your reading regarding finances and money.

What never seems to amaze me is the odds of the cards, and I get the one obvious card that symbolizes poverty in my deck. In the past it shows that you’ve been not clear in judgement or thinking regarding money. You need to ask yourself also what happened in the past that the answer may be staring at you, as I feel a pattern of confusion or judgments. It’s either a change in mind-set, either you are going about it from the thinking of “lacking” or deserving of abundance. The reading shows that you do have all you have to change things around for you. And I am not sure if this makes sense, but from the reading it shows, that either you are fantasizing more than your means at the moment, and possibly fear to look at the reality of things, and once again it’s kind of like a pattern that you can choose to break. But it shows that your pattern can change. A suggestion would be less up in the clouds planning and also to deal with the financial situation instead of ignoring or pushing it under the rug. Things can change and with the Alchemist card and the Nine of Pentacles this is a good sign that you have what you need to turn things around.

I hope this helps you get some clarity in your finance and attracting money. Thank you for finding this post and I thank our guides for their help in these messages for you!


Sending love and light and positive energy your way!

Blessings- 333 – Marie

Marie Santos

Tarot Reader – Energy Healer –  Spiritual Guidance – Channeler

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