Channeled reading 10.20.16 Higher Guidance Message


Wow, didn’t think I’d be posting another channeled message so soon, but I had channeled this message from our guides and angels and after re-reading it, the message felt like it was for me to hear as well. I thought that maybe this message is supposed to reach others. I hope it helps find those who need to hear this supportive message.



cloudscape-384672_960_720“We come in light and love-  we are so pleased at how much you do for others with so much love and the giving of yourself. There is a point where there is a time to have the sense that it is too much and you will need to slow down. If the signs of the feelings are ignored, then you will receive other signs to pay attention to. We are always here to guide you though you may not remember at all times. That is alright and there is no need to feel guilt or remorse. Just trust that you are always guided, regardless where you are or what you do.”

“We ask now that you become sensitive to the signs of your energy level, mental level, spiritual level, and assess which level needs the attention or change. This way this creates a balance, that what you are wanting to feel- higher in energy and vitality will be there if all levels are balanced.”

“Change is always difficult especially with the day to day lives of tasks, but you can slowly adapt or make small changes, and this will not stress or impact you, and will eventually create the desired effect of peacefulness, and you will feel you will have more time once you make these changes. Follow your senses/intuition what areas need to be changed, for something you feel is tugging you, or urging you to change, yet you do not know what yet, continue with this discovery or investigation and it will lead you to the answers you seek”

Luckily I didn’t have to take bits and pieces like the last channel, and the message was copied word for word so may make more sense! For myself, I know that change is needed, but it becomes such a huge task in my mind, that I psyche myself out of doing any changes. So for me, I needed to hear that I can try to do one thing at a time that may seem inconsequential, and won’t impact my stress level in feeling overwhelming. Before you know it, we’ll be looking at ourselves in the mirror and wondering how we got here! LOL! It seems that many have different situations but seem to be learning the same lesson.

Thank you to those who have found this article and I hope this helps in any way. Sending Love and Light your way!

God Bless! – Marie



Marie Santos

Tarot Reader – Energy Healer –  Spiritual Guidance – Channeler


Simple Quiet the Mind Visualization Meditation Exercise



Quieting the mind is a question that is most frequently asked. Everyone is unique and responds differently to various techniques.


Here’s a simple way to quiet the mind that I was given by my Guides and I’ve found effective with enough practice.

  • Sit or Lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes
  • Go into a calm and relaxed state with a few deep inhales and exhales
  • Visualize in your minds eye a figure or a bubble that is labeled “Mind” and there is a chain attaching yourself to the “Mind” (mine looks like a white blob balloon)
  • Envision yourself cutting the chain and freeing yourself from the “Mind”.
  • You may start to feel a difference like a lighter freeing feeling
  • Next visualize in your minds eye the words “Past” “Present Judgements” “Future”
  • Envision an eraser (I picture a blackboard eraser) and erase the word “Past” and erase the word “Future”.
  • Next erase the word “Judgements” but leave the word “Present”
  • Make the word “Present”- that should be the only word left – glow or shine brightly
  • Now sense if you feel a difference. Is your mind quiet? Did the mind chatter stop or lessen? If not, that is OK. It takes some practice and in time the visualizations will get easier. Your images of your visualization will become clearer. The mind will be more quiet each time you do the visualization / meditation. A suggestion would be to try this exercise daily and only takes about 5-10 minutes.


I would love to hear how you did! This works more effectively for those who are very good at visualization, or have more visual memory skills. For others it may take more time, but eventually you should be sensing a difference. I hope this helps you, and please like and share if you found this article useful, that it may reach others who may find this helpful too!

Thank you for finding this post and I thank the Guides for their help showing me this exercise to share with you all!

Sending love and light and positive energy your way!

Blessings- 333 – Marie

Marie Santos

Tarot Reader – Energy Healer –  Spiritual Guidance – Channeler

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Guidance or Direction to Building the Life You Want

Hi Everyone!  I truly believe that Spirit piggybacks messages to multiple people so it it no coincidence you found this post at this time in your life and maybe you needed to hear these messages today.  It doesn’t matter when I did the reading. What matters is that for some reason you found it and you’re reading it right now! I hope this helps you in what you’ve been searching for and know these messages are with love from your Spirit Guides and Angels.



Guidance or Direction to Building the Life You Want




Thank you for letting me do a reading for you- I’ve asked our guides for their help in your reading regarding any guidance on the life path you want. I’ve used the Enchanted Map deck and drew the following cards 46r, 3, 27r.

The messages are that when things feel like they are falling apart, they are for a reason. At times buildings need to be knocked down in order to rebuild a stronger building. The guides want you to know not to resist because this is where pain comes in, but to have faith that all happens for the greater good and is paving the way to what you are wanting. Through pain you will encounter, to find the peace and it will get you through.

Another message is also when things become tough and it is very difficult to see clearly, to take a step back and act as an observer in your life. It may take practice but it is a good skill because taking step back or zooming out of the situation helps you see from a different perspective and see it without disruptive emotions and you will see the situation with love.

Lastly there may be something that you don’t feel comfortable- it could be something about yourself, people, place, job etc. This uncomfortable feeling is meant so that you would be aware that things can be better or may need to change. It’s like a red flag that the guides maybe want you to pay attention. These little things will help you with stepping stones of the path you want.

I also feel to tell you to release expectations and results and also labeling things as negative or positive. All is just “is” and is all for your soul growth. I feel like you are starting or in the middle of a transformation. Trust that it may seem not clear right now, but in time your path will become clear. Go with your feelings instead of your mind and always follow “love” and you will never be wrong. I hope this helps you.

I hope this helps you get some guidance and direction on your life path and creating the life you want.  Thank you for finding this post and I thank our guides for their help in these messages for you! I wish you much happiness and blessings in the future!


Sending love and light and positive energy your way!

Blessings- 333 – Marie

Marie Santos

Tarot Reader – Energy Healer –  Spiritual Guidance – Channeler

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Why Can’t I Attract Money – Why Does it Slip Through my Fingers?

Hi Everyone! Thank you for stumbling on this blog entry! I’m testing this out to see if it works but I truly believe that Spirit piggybacks messages to multiple people. I will try to do at least one per day in the hopes that someone finds this tarot reading and in some way helps them to! It doesn’t matter when I did the reading. What matters is that for some reason you found it and you’re reading it right now! I wish you blessings from Above, peace and love! Marie



Why Can’t I Attract Money – Why Does it Slip Through my Fingers?



I’ve asked our guides for their help in your reading regarding finances and money.

What never seems to amaze me is the odds of the cards, and I get the one obvious card that symbolizes poverty in my deck. In the past it shows that you’ve been not clear in judgement or thinking regarding money. You need to ask yourself also what happened in the past that the answer may be staring at you, as I feel a pattern of confusion or judgments. It’s either a change in mind-set, either you are going about it from the thinking of “lacking” or deserving of abundance. The reading shows that you do have all you have to change things around for you. And I am not sure if this makes sense, but from the reading it shows, that either you are fantasizing more than your means at the moment, and possibly fear to look at the reality of things, and once again it’s kind of like a pattern that you can choose to break. But it shows that your pattern can change. A suggestion would be less up in the clouds planning and also to deal with the financial situation instead of ignoring or pushing it under the rug. Things can change and with the Alchemist card and the Nine of Pentacles this is a good sign that you have what you need to turn things around.

I hope this helps you get some clarity in your finance and attracting money. Thank you for finding this post and I thank our guides for their help in these messages for you!


Sending love and light and positive energy your way!

Blessings- 333 – Marie

Marie Santos

Tarot Reader – Energy Healer –  Spiritual Guidance – Channeler

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I am always in awe when I hear stories of people I meet that defy the odds of hardship and have witnessed as I have throughout my life of divine help or divine intervention that bring us hope and also faith that we are not alone. I hope my friend Ruby’s story touches your heart and renews your faith as it reminds me of mine.




angel-985201_640Discovery of my new journey. It all started in the year 1997 when I got married to the man of my dreams and left with him on my new journey which led me to Taiwan where I lived for 11 months and an opportunity knocked our doors ,a job offer in USA a land of dreams and better living.WE lived in new York for a week at first and then moved to Toronto Canada for a month and then again to New Jersey where my husband found out he had lost the job .We lived with relatives off and on,not able to provide even the simplest of things for ourselves.But I knew that the lord was watching over us,after intense praying life took a turnaround in the form of my earth angel who took us under her wing a distant aunt who helped us to start with a business .Which we set up in the flea market for almost 8 years.We had nothing to call our own no car,no house nothing.But we never gave up on our life ,as we fell we got up stronger and more determined to succeed. And now proudly I can say God does answer your prayers and looks after u!





Ruby Fashione – Psychic Intuitive
